Hackensack Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Fight for Your Benefits


You have devoted your skills and hard work to your job. If you are injured on that job, you deserve compensation.

You are entitled to workers’ compensation for an injury or illness that you sustained at your workplace or at a work-related activity, regardless of whether it is directly connected to your job. Even if your employer was not negligent or otherwise at fault, you have a right to workers’ compensation benefits. The assertive New Jersey attorneys at Law Offices of Perez and Bonomo fight for the compensation injured workers rightfully deserve, including:

  • Compensation for permanent disability

  • Dependents’ recovery for a worker’s death

  • Lost wages or salary

  • Rehabilitation expenses

  • Retraining costs

We help you pursue any benefits you are entitled to under the law.


If you suspect your injuries were caused by your employer’s negligence, seek legal advice before accepting any benefits. Once you accept a workers’ compensation payment, you forfeit your right to pursue other remedies against a negligent employer. Our attorneys analyze your case to determine how you can recover the greatest possible compensation.


You must immediately file an appeal of an unjust workers’ compensation denial. Failure to file an appeal in time bars you from recovery of compensation you rightfully deserve. We handle the rigid bureaucratic process of appealing to the New Jersey workers’ compensation board.

Contact our tenacious workers’ compensation attorneys

From our Hackensack, New Jersey office, Law Offices of Perez and Bonomo helps employees throughout New Jersey file workers’ compensation claims and appeal workers’ compensation denials. To schedule a consultation with our dedicated workers compensation attorneys, call us at (201)820-2033 or contact us online.